Hi all,

I think OSM IE should include NI, and be "all island".

OSM has a general attitude of "pave the goat paths". Rather than try to decide 
things from high, instead see what people are using and doing and bless that as 
the standard (eg for tagging). I think this approach should be continued. We 
have people from the north who are involved in "open street map Ireland". That 
is the shape of our community now. So the official body should reflect the 
community, and hence include NI.

Of course, I think if there are people in NI who want to join the OSM GB/UK 
local chapter (if/when it exists?), and/or join/set up a OSM NI local chapter, 
then it's not my place (or almost anyone else's) to tell them they have to get 
involved with OSM IE.

There are numerous examples of all island bodies, so I would presume there 
would be no legal issues with it.


On 1 November 2014 05:22:28 CET, Dave Corley <davecor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Hi all,
>So its been exactly a month since I proposed forming into a proper body
>the feedback through email, IRC and facebook (do likes count?) has been
>overwhelmingly positive, so, on we go :)
>The first thing to sort out is will OpenStreetMap Ireland cover the
>island, yes or no.
>My opinion is that it should. Up to this point, apart from there being
>admin boundary between north & south in the OSM data, there has been no
>separation between us. This includes IRC, mailing list, Facebook group
>I also personally feel it makes a lot of logistical sense to have both
>sides of the border as one group if we look at it from a purely
>geographical point of view and leave politics out. Taking the current
>townlands mapping project as one example, it would make no sense to run
>something like that on one side of the border, but not the other.
>Before we proceed, this question should be discussed and a decision
>made so
>I welcome all thoughts on this.
>On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 1:37 PM, Dave Corley <davecor...@gmail.com>
>> Hi all,
>> Something I've been thinking about for a while now, is that we should
>> to forming into a proper entity i.e. an official OpenStreetMap
>> chapter of OSM.
>> A few reasons off the top of my head why I'd like to push ahead with
>> - We will have representatives who can speak with authority to the
>> if required.
>> - The Open data / Open Government movement has been steadily growing
>> the last 18-24 months here. Every event I've been to, at some point,
>> had to utter the line "well at the moment we are just a group of
>> editing on OSM, there is no "Openstreetmap Ireland". Given the volume
>> work and effort that people have put it, its embarrassing to say that
>> - When we go looking for maps and/or data we are an actual entity.
>> lends weight to any requests we make. The further we take this in
>> to what type of a body we are (non-incorporated, incorporated,
>> chapter of OSMF)
>> - Further down  the line, it opens up the possibility of getting
>funding /
>> sponsorship. As it stands right now, companies are unlikely to give
>> significant kind of donation to us, ever, as they can not write it
>off as a
>> donation because, essentially, we don't exist. I would like to
>> - I would like to see us move up a gear in terms of organisation.
>What I
>> mean by this is to take it to the next level in terms of meetup's,
>> example, a weekend meetup over a Sat & Sun in, say, Athlone (its
>> and is in need of some love mapwise) where a load of us would meetup,
>> survey and map. Prior to going there though, we'd look for a local
>> who can get into schools or colleges with a few posters, get on to
>> local free paper to do a piece, chat to local radio etc to promote
>> event.
>> - I would like to see us pushing more in the area of advocacy e.g.
>> advocating for the use of OSM by local govt. and advocating for the
>> of data held by local govt's (if they are using our maps, give us
>stuff to
>> make them better).
>> - Finally, there is no reason, none whatsoever, why we shouldn't be
>> to start organising our own State of the Map for Ireland. We have
>more than
>> enough going on to fill 1-2 days worth of a conference but a major
>> roadblock to this would be the sponsorship aspect.
>> I've looked into what would be involved, and starting out, there will
>be a
>> body of work to be completed, but its by no means insurmountable.
>> If there is generally positive feedback the next step would be to
>> how to proceed and what format of an organisation we should be come.
>> I have some thoughts on all of that, but I'll hold off for a few days
>> see what the thoughts are on this proposal.
>> Thanks,
>> Dave (DaCor)
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