On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 8:09 PM, Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com> wrote:
> The trunk issue is just a matter of selecting one level in the
> road-priority hierarchy.  Being off by one is not the end of the
> world.  Get the verifiable parameters right, name, surface, one way,
> single or dual carriageway and trunk vs. primary or motorway isn't a
> big deal.

Sure, one practice is that it's a level in the hierarchy (the most
major intercity highways). Another is that trunk means
"almost-motorway" and is not part of the hierarchy but (like motorway)
dependent on physical characteristics. I've also seen it used for any
divided highway (or maybe any divided highway that would otherwise be
> The original classifications come from English highways so it's no
> surprise that things differ elsewhere.

Trunk doesn't even mean trunk there :)

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