If a search is done for "Fortuna, CA" in OSM, two different entities show up at the top, for the same thing. One is from a TIGER import, one is from a GNIS import. One is a node the other one is for the boundaries of the place. I assume a place doesn't need to have both a node and a way. If I delete the node, do I copy all its tags and place them on the way? Would that result in a confusing soup of both TIGER specific and GNIS specific tags? Is that still OK?

On top of it, one of them claims Fortuna, CA is a town, while the other claims it is a city. I suppose this one can be settled with a research through some other online and offline resources - so not a biggie. When I was there it definitely seemed like a town and not a city to me - but I'm not sure what rules are used for this type of classification in the US.

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