Note that if you delete the node, the city name will no longer be rendered on <> or Mapquest Open. Not sure about other renderings but I'm guessing a lot of them do the same thing. Another way of fixing the nominatim problem is to create a boundary relation for the city. Move the tags from the way to the relation and then add the node to the relation with a role of "label" as this will cause nominatim to merge the two into a single entity while still rendering the name on the map.
Thanks to everybody for pitching in on this. I went in the end with the relation idea and merging all the tags from both the node and the way as tags of the relation. I'm slightly confused as I think it would have made sense that the way should have a membership role of "boundary", but JOSM didn't like that, so I had to use boundary as the type of the relation - which I find confusing.

It's the first time I work with relations, so if somebody could double-check what I did came out OK, I'd be grateful.

As a side-note, I find it a bit bizarre that the municipality has the power to name itself whatever it well pleases in California, as opposed to the state or federal government deciding if a place is a town, city etc. based on some objective criteria. It must be working for them though :-)

I have some trouble though with the notion of "village" in the US. Looking back to what I know about US (which could be partially wrong), I'm not sure they really have the true notion of "village" as per many other places in the world. In the US, it always seemed to be about isolated farms, and towns. Both from a size point of view, but most importantly from a functional point of view. In Europe and other parts of the world, the notion of village is steeped in a long history of a group of people working the land, and many times being subject to the authority of one local land owner. All of that doesn't really exist in the US, if my knowledge serves me right. Even the smallest of settlements (bigger than a farm) seemed to have started in the US around a group of facilities, such as shops, entertainment venues, trading facilities etc. - which would directly correspond functionally to a town.

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