On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 2:13 PM, Darrell Fuhriman <darr...@garnix.org> wrote:
> On Oct 3, 2014, at 08:28, Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com> wrote:
>>  It is just one lens through which one might view the candidates.
> Sure, I get that. I’m just saying it’s at best a meaningless lens, and a 
> misleading one at worst.

I must say that I disagree strongly with your message, and that your
tone is extremely disrespectful. Paul is giving information about the
candidates, whether you choose to vote based on it or other criteria
is your choice, but I feel that your messages are downright rude to

> I don’t see anything in that description that required editing experience. 
> (Relatedly, I’d be curious to see some of the TODO lists, but the github repo 
> seems to be private.)

If you don't feel that participating in the core activity that this
community is founded on is important- then *that is your choice*, but
calling is misleading, etc. is really beyond the pale IMHO.

- Serge

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