On 10/6/14 10:04 AM, David Fawcett wrote:
To respectfully turn your statement around. I would like to hear from all candidates what skills and resources that they would bring to the board. By being an active mapper, a candidate has demonstrated that they know the project, and that they are putting resources into it to improve the map. But, what will they bring to the board that they couldn't just as easily bring to the project as a volunteer?

ok. mapper since 2009.
served as a founding board member for OSM US.
as a board member served as Secretary and later President before stepping down 2 years ago.

i think i bring an understanding of how OSM US works and what the
important things are on the board agenda, and i intend to apply
energy towards helping move those things forward. for what i think
are the important things, see my earlier post on one of the election

i also plan to start a movement to elect Martijn president for life.


 Averill Park Networking - GIS & IT Consulting
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