+1 Hear, hear! Thank you, Robin for an eloquent response. 


Sent from my electronic tether. 

> On Oct 4, 2014, at 12:42, Robin Tolochko <robin.toloc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I considered not running for the board because of the low number of edits 
> that I've done, but ultimately decided that I have a lot to contribute to OSM 
> in other ways. It is anyone's prerogative to not vote for someone while 
> taking edits into account, but I want to explain why I decided to run despite 
> my low number of edits.
> I recently moved back to the U.S. after living in Bogota, Colombia, for the 
> last four years. While living there, I used OSM data regularly in my job as a 
> cartographer at an NGO and ran OSM workshops for local university students. I 
> just moved to Madison, Wisconsin, where I am starting up a Maptime chapter 
> and plan to do an introduction to OSM as our first session. I have been 
> wanting to get more involved with OSM, and I realized that I could put my 
> community outreach and organizing to use by running for the board.
> As I and many other nominees stated, it's important to get new people 
> involved. But editing OSM can be quite intimidating to a new person, and I 
> would make it a priority to improve the on-ramp. I also think that we should 
> take advantage of existing learning networks, like universities, to spread 
> awareness of OSM and recruit more contributors. I know that these are 
> ambitious goals, and they may take more than a year, but those would be my 
> priorities on the board.
> I don't think it would be wise for the OSM U.S. board to be comprised 
> entirely of inexperienced mappers, but I think it could benefit from having 
> someone on board who brings a fresh perspective and could even be considered 
> an "outsider." The future success of OSM, after all, depends on bringing more 
> outsiders into the fold. Also, I did not make the decision to run for board 
> lightly. I recognize that it would be a serious time and energy commitment, 
> but serving on the board would take advantage of my strengths to give back to 
> an organization that I deeply believe in.
> I'm happy to talk with anyone, so please feel free to reach out to me via 
> email or Twitter. 
> Saludos,
> Robin
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