Seems the same situation exists with US 52 in south east Minnesota.  I often
do edits in this region and so often see US 52 and have edited it in the
past myself.  Some months ago I noticed that someone had changed all of the
Trunk segments to Motorway.  I didn't respond to this at the time.  I
thought it looked nicer that way vs having so many alternating green and
blue segments, but how it looks isn't what really matters, is it?  This post
about WA 500 prompted me to go back and look at US 52 again.  I see that
some of the segments that had been previously changed to Motorway were
reverted back to Trunk.

I viewed the history for one of these segments, way 299594397, and found
that the OSM mapper who changed it from Trunk to Motorway was ajhartig26 and
the mapper who reverted it back to Trunk was jumbanho.  However, further
north, north of Cannon Falls, many segments mistakenly upgraded to Motorway
by ajhartig26 have not been corrected back to Trunk.

All of that being said, I will add that I have noticed on the odd occasion
that I have edited in, or at least viewed the OSM map of, some places in
foreign countries, peculiar uses of the classifications, not limited to
Trunk vs Motorway, and this raised questions in my mind about the matter,
which is the main reason I didn't bother to re-edit those segments of US 52
that ajhartig26 had edited. 

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