Requesting for help from those experienced with managing relations. We have
a group of changesets that caused a breakage in multiple route relations in

The issue was reported today by Portland mapper Peter who has been mapping
the TriMet routes on the Mapbox data team project tracker for adding turn
lanes. The relation members of around 20 routes and some turn restrictions
have been replaced by another route accidentally. After speaking to the
mapper, the entire incident has been documented here [1].

Currently it is unclear how to recreate such a scenario and if it was a
mapper oversight or software issue that caused so many relations to change
without being noticed. We still need to restore the routes to its previous
state and the workflow/tools for this does not seem very clear.

Reverting the changesets are causing multiple conflicts and there does not
seem to be a mechanism to just restore relation membership to a historical
version. Any help and ideas appreciated


Arun Ganesh
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