On 20/05/2016 13:20, Arun Ganesh wrote:

Reverting the changesets are causing multiple conflicts and there does not seem to be a mechanism to just restore relation membership to a historical version. Any help and ideas appreciated

[1] https://github.com/mapbox/mapping/issues/185

If it helps, what I've done when things like this have happened in the past is:

1) Edit failing OSC files to not include relation changes that cause problems - i.e. get all the ways and nodes in OSM how you want them.

2) Find the "desired version" of the relation that you want to update, and try and apply that (e.g. via level0). It'll fail, so find out which ways don't exist, take them out of the relation details you're trying to upload and try again.

3) Obviously now you'll have gaps in the relation - either fill them in manually if it's obvious, or figure out where the deleted ways that used to be in the relation were (by looking at undeleted nodes and the history of deleted nodes), and use that information to fill in gaps.

As to "what caused it", there were examples of "relation contents being lost in JOSM uploads" a while back, but I've not heard reports of recent problems**, though there were reports of API upload slowness a few days ago (much discussed elsewhere - and in fact the message at the top of #osm still says "Ongoing server issues, sysadmins are on the case"). With any change in OSM it makes sense to double check the changes that you've made immediately after you've made them - did you really mean to make all changes in the resulting changeset? Are all relations intact? etc.



PS: and FWIW I guessed that it was the Portland with the homelessness problem* and the nice river running through it, not the one with a crab fixation or the one that's scared of "underground mutton" :)

* when I last visited, which was a while ago. They might have got their act together now.

** The DWG often gets cries for help when big relations disappear

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