On 2016.05.25. 22:01, Martijn van Exel wrote:
Hi all,

MapRoulette has been completely redone, hopefully keeping the good parts
and improving on some things that were not so great. I’m pretty excited
to announce that I have a public beta up now at
http://maproulette.org:8080. I am very much looking forward to your
feedback. Old MapRoulette will be around for a month or so more, then we
will switch over. Some more details below. Let me know what you think,
or if you want to help out!

a really minor thing, but you might want to change "why not add hangers" to "hangars" ;)

Map on,

Some resources
Mailing List:
https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/maproulette/ (low volume)
Slack: maproulette.slack.com <http://maproulette.slack.com>
Code: https://github.com/maproulette/
API: https://github.com/maproulette/maproulette2/blob/master/docs/api.md

Major changes / improvements are
* Much improved metrics (this part particularly under heavy development
and feedback welcome)
* Challenges now grouped in Projects that can be managed by multiple users
* Project / Challenge administration now fully integrated in the user
* Survey challenges let you ask questions about things with multiple
choice answers
* Tasks can have tags for another layer of organization
* Challenge search and discovery through a one box search (still very
early, more to come here and feedback welcome)
* API is more consistent and more RESTful
* Due to new challenge model, there is no backward compatibility with
the old API
* Switching to API keys, no more tunneling / ease
* Back end now completely written in Scala
* Deployment fully automated through Docker

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