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On Wed, 2016-05-25 at 20:29 +0000,
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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: Odd road / odd structure (Paul Johnson)
>    2. Re: Proposed import cleanup: NYSDEClands (Kevin Kenny)
>    3. New MapRoulette now in early public beta (Martijn van Exel)
>    4. Re: New MapRoulette now in early public beta (Rihards)
>    5. Re: New MapRoulette now in early public beta (Kevin Kenny)
>    6. Re: New MapRoulette now in early public beta (Martijn van Exel)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 25 May 2016 13:12:57 -0500
> From: Paul Johnson <>
> To: OpenStreetMap talk-us list <>
> Subject: Re: [Talk-us] Odd road / odd structure
> Message-ID:
>       <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 8:55 AM, Steve Friedl <> wrote:
> >
> > The Irvine GIS guy told me that Paisley Place also servers as a utility
> > easement, which may have impacted some of the design.  These are quite
> > pretty little walkways, with a nice gate to enter, it’s just odd that it’s
> > a street.
> >
> Huh?  The only thing I could see that could be remotely construed as a
> through walkway is the concrete gutter, which would make a natural break at
> the planter that for all practical purposes breaks up the street as a
> traffic calming measure, and appears to have barely slowed down the Google
> car, much less anyone on foot.
> > But regarding the big water catchment surface:
> >
> >
> >
> > Ø  Depending on the cant and the surface, it could actually be some sort
> > of French drain or infiltration pad designed as potentially an emergency
> > helipad.  I, personally, would make no assumption as to what it was without
> > at least cursory knowledge of the region's drainage and/or rescue tropes …
> >
> >
> >
> > I have some of that cursory knowledge, plus I actually hiked up there and
> > checked it out myself – there’s no question that it’s there to collect
> > water, drain it into the two cisterns to the southeast, and there’s a water
> > tap a little farther to the southwest.
> >
> >
> >
> > What you can’t see from the satellite imagery is that it’s at the top of a
> > hill, the only water it can possibly collect is rainwater.  It’s also clear
> > that this isn’t being used any more, but back in the forties I’m certain it
> > was a great place to water your horse.
> >
> >
> >
> > I think it would serve as a fine helipad, though these were constructed
> > before helicopters were in widespread enough use to be considered for
> > that.  I’m going to ask the local fire agency if they have records of using
> > that spot for helo.
> >
> Very interesting edge case; I'd honestly be surprised based on aerial
> imagery if the cisterns aren't still in use as at least an emergency water
> supply, given that particular stretch of hills' propensity for fire.  It
> has a dry climate, some plants that depend on fire for reproduction, and
> eucalyptus, which the AU crowd can testify sets itself on fire for like, no
> reason.
> -------------- next part --------------
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> <>
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 25 May 2016 14:47:48 -0400
> From: Kevin Kenny <>
> To: "" <>
> Subject: Re: [Talk-us] Proposed import cleanup: NYSDEClands
> Message-ID:
>       <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Oh, another question.  Some of the New York state land parcels have
> rather complicated topology, and the previous import didn't get them
> entirely right: duplicated nodes, crossing ways, nodes close to other
> ways, and so on. Moreover, the upstream data are fairly arbitrarily
> divided. An example is Burnt-Rossman Hills State Forest (which has
> some recent changes from me that consisted of detaching the boundary
> from crossing ways and deduplicating nodes).
> >From the upstream system, this arrives as six separate chunks,
> corresponding to ways 32035570, 32026630, 32002834, 32047624, 32035988
> and 39186229. Some of the fragmentation appears to be simply to avoid
> having holes in any of the polygons (Why this is done is unclear: the
> shapefile uses multipolygons to represent the parcels, so they can
> support inner rings.)
> My inclination would be to use PostGIS to coalesce all of these using
> ST_Union, and then import the simplified multipolygon, which the tools
> surely know how to do. I think that would be more in keeping with our
> data model, and would keep us from rendering internal borders on the
> parcels. It loses the LANDS_UID of the parcels, but I don't think
> that's a particularly useful thing to keep around.
> The rule for coalescing would be to group by facility number, so all
> the parcels of Burnt-Rossman Hills State Forest would be one relation,
> while the ones of adjacent Mallet Pond State Forest would be another.
> With all this said, I'm better at PostGIS programming than at OSM
> modeling, so I could be off in the weeds here. Does this idea make
> sense?
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Wed, 25 May 2016 13:01:39 -0600
> From: Martijn van Exel <>
> To: OSM Talk US <>, OSM Talk
>       <>,
> Subject: [Talk-us] New MapRoulette now in early public beta
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hi all, 
> MapRoulette has been completely redone, hopefully keeping the good parts and 
> improving on some things that were not so great. I’m pretty excited to 
> announce that I have a public beta up now at 
> <>. I am very much looking forward to your 
> feedback. Old MapRoulette will be around for a month or so more, then we will 
> switch over. Some more details below. Let me know what you think, or if you 
> want to help out!
> Map on,
> Martijn
> Some resources
> Mailing List: 
> <> (low volume)
> Slack: <>
> Code: <>
> API: 
> <>
> Major changes / improvements are
> * Much improved metrics (this part particularly under heavy development and 
> feedback welcome)
> * Challenges now grouped in Projects that can be managed by multiple users
> * Project / Challenge administration now fully integrated in the user 
> interface
> * Survey challenges let you ask questions about things with multiple choice 
> answers
> * Tasks can have tags for another layer of organization
> * Challenge search and discovery through a one box search (still very early, 
> more to come here and feedback welcome)
> * API is more consistent and more RESTful
> * Due to new challenge model, there is no backward compatibility with the old 
> * Switching to API keys, no more tunneling / ease
> * Back end now completely written in Scala
> * Deployment fully automated through Docker
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL: 
> <>
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Wed, 25 May 2016 22:05:21 +0300
> From: Rihards <>
> To: Martijn van Exel <>, OSM Talk US
>       <>, OSM Talk <>,
> Subject: Re: [Talk-us] New MapRoulette now in early public beta
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
> On 2016.05.25. 22:01, Martijn van Exel wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > MapRoulette has been completely redone, hopefully keeping the good parts
> > and improving on some things that were not so great. I’m pretty excited
> > to announce that I have a public beta up now at
> > I am very much looking forward to your
> > feedback. Old MapRoulette will be around for a month or so more, then we
> > will switch over. Some more details below. Let me know what you think,
> > or if you want to help out!
> a really minor thing, but you might want to change "why not add hangers" 
> to "hangars" ;)
> > Map on,
> > Martijn
> >
> > Some resources
> > Mailing List:
> > (low volume)
> > Slack: <>
> > Code:
> > API:
> >
> > Major changes / improvements are
> > * Much improved metrics (this part particularly under heavy development
> > and feedback welcome)
> > * Challenges now grouped in Projects that can be managed by multiple users
> > * Project / Challenge administration now fully integrated in the user
> > interface
> > * Survey challenges let you ask questions about things with multiple
> > choice answers
> > * Tasks can have tags for another layer of organization
> > * Challenge search and discovery through a one box search (still very
> > early, more to come here and feedback welcome)
> > * API is more consistent and more RESTful
> > * Due to new challenge model, there is no backward compatibility with
> > the old API
> > * Switching to API keys, no more tunneling / ease
> > * Back end now completely written in Scala
> > * Deployment fully automated through Docker
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Talk-us mailing list
> >
> >
> >

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