On 11/12/2016 5:44 PM, Markus Fischer wrote:
I am new to this and the area where I live is very well mapped (probably
due to high density of tech workers). Where do I go to start mapping
areas that are less well mapped (me aimlessly poking at this does not
sound like a good approach)?

Assuming that there is less than 100% mapping of all common attributes in your area:

Start in your neighborhood: are all speed limits entered? Turn restrictions? One way streets? -> those would be good to collect with Mapillary or as a passenger in a vehicle.

Have addresses been imported? If not, and your county has a restricted data license, it may be a long time if ever before addresses can be imported. In that case, practice entering the address of every building where you routinely travel; restaurants, stores, work, etc.

Otherwise, just start moving out into nearby towns or places you have lived or visited previously.

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