"Firstly, many rules in OSM are not written down"

So while I get that OSM is an evolving and collaborative effort, don't you
think that having unwritten rules leads to less collaboration and less
civil interactions?  We have a code of conduct for behavior, guidelines for
using the data, import guidelines, etc. Would it not be a good thing to
adopt a set of conduct or guidelines for editing?  Put it in one place and
stick it in the walkthrough for using the browser editor.  Get the voting
members to agree to it so that it has authority.  Otherwise it comes off
as, "Hey a bunch of us don't like this and so we are going to delete it."
That can catch innocent contributors up and they might decide not to
contribute again.

Just for clarification, I don't support putting advertising in the
description or spam.  I just find it a little to vague when things aren't
obviously spelled out and we'll defined.  Looking at the key wiki entry it
simply says "advertising" and "spam" without offering a definition of
either terms.  Someone could put description= "A discount/low price
store".  It may be an accurate description of a thrift store, but it could
also be considered advertising.  Low Price is an often used advertising
phrase.  I know that common sense drives a lot of this and that we are all
using the best of intentions and discretion to work on this, I just want to
make sure it's all crystal clear.  For one thing I don't want to make edits
multiple times or have edits deleted for violating unwritten rules.  I know
my personality and I wouldn't try to fix the area and I wouldn't try to map
in that area again. I would let the rollback stand.

Thanks for the great discussion and for pointing out where that prohibition
was.  Hopefully I didn't upset anyone, I just want to help make the map

On Mar 19, 2018 6:28 AM, "Frederik Ramm" <frede...@remote.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 19.03.2018 01:08, Jordan Brod wrote:
> > I went looking for any information printed in guidelines or code of
> > conduct about advertising in the attributes of a feature and I couldn't
> > find where it is approved/prohibited or even mentioned.  Does anybody
> > know where the rule against this is?
> Firstly, many rules in OSM are not written down. Just because there's no
> policy that says "don't do X" doesn't mean that X is welcome in OSM, or
> that someone who got their X deleted has a legitimate basis for a
> complaint.
> The current situation with written rules is that
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:description
> says "Never use description=* to add advertising messages.", and
> more generally our "How We Map" rules
> (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/How_We_Map) say that what you add
> must be truthful and verifiable, both of which is rarely the case for
> advertising.
> Bye
> Frederik
> --
> Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"
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