On 28/09/2020 12.27, Paul Johnson wrote:
On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 11:07 AM Matthew Woehlke wrote:
On 28/09/2020 11.42, Jack Burke wrote:
I'm willing to bet that most OSM editors who drive on either of those two
will think "this is a great freeway, just with occasional traffic

That's an oxymoron. Freeways are, by definition, limited access (no
crossing intersections, period) and do not have (permanent¹) signs or
signals to halt traffic. IMNSHO, if it has traffic lights, stop signs,
or the possibility of vehicles suddenly driving *across* the way, it
isn't a freeway.

True, but highway=trunk can mean either expressways (think like freeways
that have some or all at-grade intersections; note that having
freeway-style ramps in between junctions doesn't make it a
highway=motorway), or single-carriageway freeways.  In both cases, they
tend to get built as an incremental case to building a full motorway, but
are not yet motorways.

We're getting dangerously into the territory of words with ambiguous meanings. Note https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/freeway, especially the first definition. Note also my point was about "freeways", not highway=trunk. Many in the US would consider "freeway" and highway=motorway to be nearly synonymous. (The "nearly" is when we start talking about non-interstate limited access.)

I did later state that limited access is *not* a requirement for highway=trunk.

Also, Jack has clarified his usage as "artistic"...

That's not to say there aren't non-interstate highways that meet these

But... is it a highway=trunk? *I* don't see where the wiki excludes the
possibility. (It does, however, seem to me that only *actual* interstate
freeways should be highway=motorway in the US.)

That's not true at all...

Citation needed. I don't think that's been established (although we're getting pretty off-topic...). The *converse*, sure (interstate =/> motorway), I'll concede that.

[...] the transitions to where an interstate ends and it continues as
another kind of highway past the last exit before a junction,
I would question whether those should be highway=motorway. (Yes, I'm looking at https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/98245488 and surrounding, possibly as far north as https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/41485037.)


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