On 28/09/2020 11.42, Jack Burke wrote:
I'm willing to bet that most OSM editors who drive on either of those two
will think "this is a great freeway, just with occasional traffic signals."

That's an oxymoron. Freeways are, by definition, limited access (no crossing intersections, period) and do not have (permanent¹) signs or signals to halt traffic. IMNSHO, if it has traffic lights, stop signs, or the possibility of vehicles suddenly driving *across* the way, it isn't a freeway.

That's not to say there aren't non-interstate highways that meet these definitions.

But... is it a highway=trunk? *I* don't see where the wiki excludes the possibility. (It does, however, seem to me that only *actual* interstate freeways should be highway=motorway in the US.)

Related: if it's I-## or I-###, shouldn't it be a highway=motorway, period? (Unless those, for some reason, are ever *not* freeways?)

(¹ In case of active construction or accidents, all bets are off.)


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