On Mon, May 02, 2022 at 04:36:34AM -0400, Evan Leibovitch via talk wrote:
> Thanks. Ugh.
> Your timing is perfect, because I'm just about to do a fresh install and
> this would be the time to decide on something else.
> I'm looking for an alternative that will offer support for a KDE version as
> well as Steam and my fairly-new AMD graphics card (RX 6500 XT). I'd also
> prefer to live snap-free.
> Mint and Pop don't support KDE, SuSE has problems with Steam and I'm
> exhausted enough that I don't want one more learning curve wrt the Arch way
> of doing things. Right now my best choices appear to be MX, KDE Neon (if I
> install the 32-bit libraries for Steam) and (if I want to go back to an
> RPM-based system for the first time since Mandriva ceased,) Fedora KDE.
> Any suggestions, either from these choices or something else? Thanks again.

What's wrong with Debian?  No snap there and it has kde as an option
(along with just about everything else).

Len Sorensen
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