On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 8:00 PM, Steve Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dave Stubbs wrote:
>  > it's faster to just let it use swap,
>  I I/O load hits my server pretty hard.  Trying to do anything else while
>  that's happening is quite painful. :-/
>  Doing it without the heavy I/O load is preferable, even if it takes a
>  couple of days - it can just trundle away in the background.

Yeah, but the postgres middle option just puts the nodes in a postgres
table and then does selects to find them. If you don't have the RAM to
cache the DB table you probably will have a similar i/o load just over
a longer period... you might have a better chance of deprioritising
and containing that though.

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