J.D. Schmidt wrote:
> Lars Aronsson skrev:
>> Alex Mauer wrote:
>>> It also has the problem that ways can easily get reversed, and 
>>> then the left/right meanings are backwards.
>> A bus stop is an attribute on a node (highway=bus_stop) in the 
>> middle of a way.  If I want to indicate that this bus stop is on 
>> one side of the street, left and right don't matter much, since 
>> there can be two ways both pointing towards the node.  It would be 
>> better to use the words north, east, west or south.  If the way 
>> goes from south-west to north-east, then "north" and "west" both 
>> mean the left side of that way.
> Shall we paint the outhouse red, green or blue ??
> It doesn't matter if the busstop is on the right or left side of the 
> road... Neither OSM wise, nor in the real world. In the real world you 
> use your eyes and see the busstop. With regards to OSM, you apply a tag 
> to the node indicating position of the busstop, relative to the road.
> I.E : k="placement" v="left|right|middle"
> It doesn't even need to be rendered on the left or right of the road on 
> the map, but it could be.
> We are not trying to make a virtual copy of the world with the rendered 
> maps, we are trying to make a fairly accurate visual representation of 
> the world with the maps, that can be used to orientate and possibly even 
> navigate around in the real world.
> Compromises are made everyday on the renderings of both our and any 
> other maps. Thats one of the parts of cartography - Deciding what 
> compromises to use in order to make a map for a specific purpose.
> So just tag it with common sense, instead of having 2 months of 
> discussion on the mailing list - Next people will want to set down 
> subcommittees that need to deliver reports on best practices for mapping 
> the wastebaskets and their type at the busstops, which then has to go 
> through a hearing in the OSMF, and put to a consensus vote twice in a 
> year, before being vetoed by some goat-hearder mapping trails in outer 
> mongolia, since he doesn't think a wastebasket position should be mapped 
> at all, if goat-dung positions isn't mapped as well...
> We could call it "Working the EU-OSM way..."
At this moment in time I'm tagging bus stops as separate nodes on the 
side of ways. Given that the tag is highway=bus_stop I realise this is 
not correct, but I feel it's important to know on which side of the road 
that particular stop is. I fill out the ref numbers and of course it 
matters in which direction a certain bus will use that stop. So I'm glad 
we're having this discussion and I'm awaiting some consensus, so I can 
map the bus stops I find correctly from now on.


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