On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 8:50 PM, Ben Laenen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Monday 24 March 2008, Alex Mauer wrote:
>  >
>  > It also has the problem that ways can easily get reversed, and then
>  > the left/right meanings are backwards.
>  Then make editors change it automatically when reversing ways? Doesn't
>  look too difficult to me.
>  Next to that we already have this kind of issue with routes with ways
>  with backward/forward roles anyway. Furthermore, cycle lanes will
>  always be part of the road, which can also have this left/right
>  problem, so I don't think this is a specific problem for cycle tracks.

This is what I have been thinking about for a while (for the purpose
of bus stops):

Make the prefixes "left:", "right:" special in the sense that when a
way is reversed, they get swapped.
So left:highway=bus_stop would become right:highway=bus_stop.
(Uh, maybe this is awkward for the renderer implementation. Could be
better to prefix the *value* instead: highway=left:bus_stop?)

For rendering, a bidirectional stop would be a full circle on a
way/route and a one-way stop would be a half-circle.


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