On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 6:41 AM, David Dean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Martin Vidner <martin.osm <at> vidner.net> writes:
> > Make the prefixes "left:", "right:" special in the sense that when a
> > way is reversed, they get swapped.
> > So left:highway=bus_stop would become right:highway=bus_stop.
> > (Uh, maybe this is awkward for the renderer implementation. Could be
> > better to prefix the *value* instead: highway=left:bus_stop?)
> It seems to me that you could define the two sides of a way independent of
> the
> direction (if any) of the way. I'm just not sure what you would call the
> two
> sides.
> For example, lets start with "north" and "south". This would unambiguously
> define the two sides for all ways that are not running directly (or close
> to)
> north-south. "East" and "west" would work for those of course, but we want
> the
> same name no matter what the angle of the road.
> Maybe you could use "clockwise" and "anticlockwise" to define the side of
> that
> portion of the road you would get if you rotated it in that direction.
> So what I am basically getting at is that you don't need to define the
> side of
> the road based on the way direction, as it can be defined by the compass
> points,
> I'm just not sure what the two labels would be. Maybe "north-or-east" and
> "south-or-west" shortened to "noe" and "sow" could work if everything was
> clearly defined on the wiki.
> - David

Sounds like you're assuming all streets are reasonably straight and/or
progress in a well-defined direction. That may generally be the case over a
long stretch of road, but it's not always the case (some roads tend to wind
around a lot), especially if ways are split. I don't know why everyone's
opposed to left/right. It's unambiguous, and properly structured it would
not be difficult for editors to accommodate it. Reversing the direction of a
way should be something that's done rarely anyway.

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