Matthias Julius wrote:
> IMHO, if someone has the authority to put something on Map Features
> someone also has the authority to change or remove something or mark
> it as deprecated.

Let me disagree. You are implying that just because I can add stuff to
map features, I can also decide to mark all highway=* as deprecated? I
think we should supercede highway=* with path=* because that makes so
much more sense. ;-)

> Well, whole Map Features is about how people "should" tag things (not
> how they "must" tag things).  The first paragraph says that you can
> tag how you want but this is the core recommended feature set.  If
> something is not recommended anymore it needs to be marked as such and
> eventually removed.  

Let me disagree here too. It's not about people *should* tag things. It
is a collection of tags that many people use to tag specific things
often together with a list of applications that can make use of the tags
It's not normative, it's a help for me if I want to tag a "gate" and
let's me quickly discover how others have tagged gates and it (hopefully
) also let's me discover which renderers make use of that tag.


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