On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 5:09 PM, Matthias Julius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd much rather have the discussion here on the list (or on a
> dedicated list).
> If a consensus has been reached Map Features can be updated.  I don't
> think there is a need for a formal voting process (especially if it is
> so easy to rig).

It's funny you say that because I just tried yesterday what you
suggest. I sent an email to this ML about the tag "alt_name" which is
used by the application Namefinder and has been promoted in only one
email some months ago by the author of this application.
The tag is not widely used, not only because it is not commonly
required but also because it is documented nowhere.
That's why I think we should - at least - write some words about this
tag in the Map Features page. I could also create a wiki proposal and
start the long and heavy voting process...

So far, I received only two feedbacks, both positive.
Do you consider that the consensus is reached ? Where is this method
better than 10 votes in the wiki ?


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