
You wrote: "No, but some of us are trying to work to achieve the best consensus
possible within the existing project while others appear to be trying to
fragment the project."

I don't think there has been a decision by any of us to "fork" OSM or
to "fragment" the community. I believe there is a group of people
interested in OSM that would like to discuss the ways we might
incorporate (and preserve) public domain data into OSM. Although the
idea of a separate (mirrored) software stack has been mentioned, no
firm decision has been made by any group to move in this direction. I
would personally oppose this approach because of the hostility it will
generate from other OSM members. I think a scenario in which OSM uesrs
can choose to upload there data to a public domain repository before
feeding it to the main OSM database and subjecting it to a "viral"
license will be very workable. There won't be any fork of OSM in this
case, just a place where people like myself can go to get OSM data
that is under the public domain.

Let me explain why this is important:

Let's say my comany is hired to build a GIS for a small irrigation
district in Central California. I convince my boss that it would be
great if we could collect our transportation data layer and contribute
it to OSM. He agrees to let me do this.

>From what I understand, under the new license, any dataset that we
build in-house based on the geometry or tags of data in the
transportation layer, which we choose to release to our client or
other parties, would have to be released under a share-alike license.
For obvious reasons this would not be possible.

However, if I can instead upload my companies transportation data
layer to a public domain repository before it goes into OSM, then I
can use it to build whatever other layers I want, without having to
worry about violating a share-alike clause in the OSM license.

Some people may tell me that I could do this any ways, even if my data
was subject to the new license, but based on the discussions I've read
on this list I think it is a real gray area. Having a public domain
repository takes away a great deal of the "share-alike violation"
fears a company like mine would have.

I'll take steps to set-up a mailing list that doesn't need to be
supported by OSM in an official way, but I hope the OSM community will
be more receptive to our idea of public domain data in the future. If
there are concerns about the way such a repository might affect the
growth of OSM, those that are interested in the idea should have an
opportunity to address these fears and respond to them.

The Sunburned Surveyor
On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 11:33 AM, Tom Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nic Roets wrote:
>> Many OSM contributors indicated that they are interested in a PD
>> alternative (Richard, Frederik, myself etc). I believe that having a PD
>> database (subset) many have a few applications. Like showcasing OSM on
>> website where a viral license will be an issue. Google Earth etc.
> None of which explains how, on a practical level, it is supposed to
> work. As I understand it the PD database would operate in parallel and
> people who wanted to would upload to both that and OSM but while that
> can work for new objects I don't see how it can work where an existing
> object is being edited.
> Not that I really care about how it works unless it is an official part
> of OSM that I and the other admins are going to be expected to provide
> resources for, which is where we came in with a request for resources to
> be allocated to the project.
>> We all want to improve OSM data quantity and quality. We just haven't
>> agreed on weather a viral license will help or hinder. Just like we
>> haven't agreed on JOSM vs. Potlatch.
> No, but some of us are trying to work to achieve the best consensus
> possible within the existing project while others appear to be trying to
> fragment the project.
> Tom
> --
> Tom Hughes ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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