Well, as Frederik noted in the other thread, keeping it low key is best. I'm
thinking parallel database running the same toolchain. No tools for
automatically propagating to the main database.

I'm not trying to fragment the project and I'm hoping no-one else is. I'm
trying to maximize the value of my mapping data.

If OSM/PD gains popularity, it will only be because that's what the
community wants. And that's a big 'if' that starts with someone saying he's
willing to host and maintain the database.

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 8:33 PM, Tom Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Nic Roets wrote:
>  Many OSM contributors indicated that they are interested in a PD
>> alternative (Richard, Frederik, myself etc). I believe that having a PD
>> database (subset) many have a few applications. Like showcasing OSM on
>> website where a viral license will be an issue. Google Earth etc.
> None of which explains how, on a practical level, it is supposed to work.
> As I understand it the PD database would operate in parallel and people who
> wanted to would upload to both that and OSM but while that can work for new
> objects I don't see how it can work where an existing object is being
> edited.
> Not that I really care about how it works unless it is an official part of
> OSM that I and the other admins are going to be expected to provide
> resources for, which is where we came in with a request for resources to be
> allocated to the project.
>  We all want to improve OSM data quantity and quality. We just haven't
>> agreed on weather a viral license will help or hinder. Just like we haven't
>> agreed on JOSM vs. Potlatch.
> No, but some of us are trying to work to achieve the best consensus
> possible within the existing project while others appear to be trying to
> fragment the project.
> Tom
> --
> Tom Hughes ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> http://www.compton.nu/
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