On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 12:05 AM, Rainer Dorsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> (except for some special cases like if you own land
> which is accessible only using such a track or if you have special
> permission).

Then it should be tagged with access=destination

It's not yet supported in gosmore, but I've though about the logic already :
Let's say an office park has 2 gates but you're only allowed inside if you
work there or have an appointment. I'm intending to support 2 ways of
tagging it :
* Tag all the roads inside with "access=destination".
* Tag only the 2 entrances with "access=destination". Some routing packages
may then refuse to route you to an untagged roads within the office park
(e.g. a cul-de-sac), but gosmore will get you there.

> I did not find highway=unsurfaced

I think it's obsolete.

> surface    paved /cobblestone /unpaved way
> Apply to all types of highways. If the tag is not present, it is assumed
> surface=paved, excepted for highway=footway. (sealed/unsealed outside UK).

(IMHO surface=paved should not be assumed for highway=track either.)

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