>I think that would be an excellent idea, however don't assume transit 
>authorities will always give you the data because they often won't for 
>various reasons. There is not however a problem as far as I know in 
>people collecting their own timetable information from printed 
>material and entering it into a common DV. What would be needed would 
>be a repository and a way of entering data. 

Some sort of AJAXy thing where an incomplete timetable is presented then 
people fill in the data (with operations available to repeat every hour) 
sounds good.

GTFS is probably a good 
>starting point. Some data is already available from authorities in 
>that format. I do expect that more official data may be donated in 
>time, but people might need to be prepared to do it the hard way first.

>Personally I also think it would be good to provide a way for people 
>to enter old timetables. I have a bradshaws 1921 railway timetable and 
>there is also a reprint for 1910. I am sure some people would love to 
>enter it into a DB so that could produce station maps and do journey 
>planning for the old network!

>Are you in favour of a new list to discuss these sorts of things?

Yes, sounds a good idea.

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