On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 1:53 PM, Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net> wrote:
> 80n wrote:
>> What percentage of data would other people feel willing to see
>> sacrificed in order to move forward with the new license?
> I'd be interested to see this related to our userbase and editing stats.
> If (say) we lose 5%, how many months - at current rates of growth - does it
> take us to get back to the previous level?

And how will future growth be affected if potential contributors know
that peoples' work was discarded in the past?

(are there any stats from wikipedia on this - their notability
campaign involves deleting peoples' work, so they might know about how
much if at all it deters people from contributing when the project has
a history of removing stuff)

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