From: David Earl <>

>The 'significant' bit is not the point: it only needs people to have 
>made *insignificant* changes to other people's *significant* changes 
>(including original mapping) to be invalidated.

Linking this chain of thought with the one that myself and Richard Fairhurst 
were discussing earlier on in another strand of this thread, I wonder if the 
insignificant changes could/would/should be deemed not to be copyrightable at 
all. It certainly doesn't add any creativity to change a 'yes' to 'true', and 
as long as it's insignificant in quantity wouldn't be as a result of hard 
labour of any sort. Depends on jurisdiction of course, but maybe the 
contributions of this individual who refuses to agree to the new licence (or 
maybe just isn't contactable) could therefore be essentially ignored and left 
as is in the database without worrying about them? At the end of the day, if 
the individual comes back and objects to this at a later date, we can still 
remove them at that point in time if they have a good case that their small 
'contributions' are indeed copyrightable.


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