> A little bit more respect to the people that actually did the mapping
> work would probably be a very good idea. "We're only loosing 5% of the
> data" is a very, very strange attitude for me. Not because of the data
> but because of the people behind that data.

Losing 5% of data will do much more damage than it looks - as we can
probably assume, that the 5% would be rather randomly distributed,
random 5% of objects would "disappear". Now you need to go through the
remaining 95% and check/remap it, especially for areas that are
already mapped "almost completely", to find out what was lost and
redraw it. People will be "stuck" for weeks/months checking the data
and repairing the damage - and some of them may get frustrated and
leave the project.

I think we should find some way to avoid deleting at all. For some
transitional time (in which the data will be still under cc-by-sa but
we will be collecting consent of users for ODbL) mark data coming
from/derived from people uncontactable/disagreeing with license with
some special tag. Let people delete these parts and redraw them from
scratch (from allowed sources/existing GPS tracks, anything except the
original data).


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