Lester Caine wrote:

> I'd have a little more sympathy with wikipedia if they did not slap 

The problem with your criticism is that "they" can't be 
identified.  It is like blaming "the OSM mappers" (what? me?) for 
putting more energy into mapping England than Scotland. You can of 
course be dissatisfied with the poor coverage of some regions, but 
you don't achieve anything by trying to blame the entire project 
for this.

Some articles get improved, others not, others again get deleted. 
The best insurance for keeping your article is to make it good. 
>From OSM, perhaps we should just link to Wikipedia articles that 
are pretty good already (more than 1 kbyte of text, and having 
source citations), since these are more likely to stay around.

> The person how decided to complain should be required to back up 
> a complaint within a reasonable time,

And now you're complaining about Wikipedia. So how are you going 
to "back up" your complaint? By improving Wikipedia?

  Lars Aronsson (l...@aronsson.se)
  Aronsson Datateknik - http://aronsson.se

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