On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 9:01 AM, Russ Nelson <r...@cloudmade.com> wrote:
> Then perhaps we need to, as Lester suggests, have our own information
> base?  Either link to includipedia or else link to our own wiki --
> which would redirect to Wikipedia if no such article exists.

I agree with the idea of setting up a wiki just for this effort.

The main justification I would have is that it's never a good idea to
take all your and your community's efforts and hand them over to a
third party's care.  If for any reason something happens, you're stuck
without your work at least or you're life is made quite complex.

It's an easy habit to get into making infoboxes or "see also" type
links which go to the various other good sources out there.
- wikipedia, includipedia, citizendium, etc.
- official government website
- official travel website
- whatever

Perhaps if the page/link naming scheme was kept the same as
Wikipedia's, then you could hack a link into the template which would
automatically appear on every article page.

If I can manage to get into things, I'd gladly donate some spare time
assisting.  I've been involved in several medium-sized MediaWiki
installations in the past.


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