Ed Loach wrote:
>> So you're saying that highway=cycleway is not intended for ways
>> which
>> are for bicycles?  What an ... interesting interpretation!
> I think mainly/exclusively may overstress the exclusively bit.

In a few jurisdictions and a few cases, they're exclusive; in most
jurisdictions some other traffic may use it.  Hence "mainly" (most
jurisdictions) or "exclusively" (a few jurisdictions).

> I see
> highway=path as a handy shortcut like highway=road for tagging
> something until a 'proper' tag can be assigned, though I realise not
> everyone will agree...

Yes, we'll have to agree to disagree on that one.

http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/images/8/84/Designatedsigns.jpeg is an
example I keep coming back to for this kind of thing.  It's quite
clearly not a cycleway, a footway, or a bridleway.

-Alex Mauer "hawke"

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