
I'm not sure I understand your comment. What is avoidably subjective? The
highway= tags and the foot/bicycle/horse= tags are all based on what is
observable objectively on the ground - either physical or signage
(supplemented sometimes by local knowledge of legal status - also

The only thing that I can see in my practice that could be described as
subjective is my use of the tracktype= tag. This tag is listed in the wiki
(which is why I use it) and I use only the values listed in the wiki, with
the definitions listed in the wiki, as to track grade. This is technically
partly subjective I suppose - but no more so than for anyone else using
tracktype= as a tag (or - dare I say for fear of starting another war -
smoothness= ).

In what way do you see my use of highway= tags as being subjective? I am
sticking to the definitions in the wiki - just using all of the objectively
available information.

I find it a little hard to be accused of "undermining work done so far" when
I have put so much effort into surveying and mapping the off-road routes in
my area - and have at every stage consulted through the mailing lists when
in doubt as to tagging practice - and indeed willingly adapted my practice
in the light of good advice received.

There are bound to be minor differences in approach in any wiki system - all
in good faith - and I am currently feeling somewhat demotivated. Perhaps
that was not your intention but it is unfortunately the result ... (:<)


-----Original Message-----
From: David Earl [mailto:da...@frankieandshadow.com] 
Sent: 26 March 2009 09:48
To: talk@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] highway=cycle&footway

On 26/03/2009 09:29, Mike Harris wrote:
> Richard
> Thanks for this ... very helpful - a few comments -
> 1. Path:  I would prefer to use highway=footway for a path that has 
> (almost always illegally) not been reinstated across a ploughed field 
> IF

I think by trying to switch the interpretation of the highway=... tags from
an objective recording of what the signs say to a subjective one of some
personal measure of "suitability" you are undermining the work that's been
done one the map so far.

If you want to include subjective value judgements, I really think you
should do that in tags invented for the purpose, not undermine the existing


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