> What's being discussed here is the token used internally to OSM to say
> "this is *this* kind of thing", rather than something that's rendered as
> a label on the map. There's an established convention for having
> multiple language versions of a place's name. See
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:name

Sorry my fault.

I was trying to say that if I wanted to visit European
castle_type=defensive I could but if they are referred to as a berg in
Germany, a blah in France and as summat else in another country I will
soon end up with a very messy and confusing list. Because if I don't
know the local descriptive type name I will not be able to find it.
Even though its a more of a internal tag its still a tag that could be
used in the future by others to create a map of defensive castles.


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