On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 9:29 AM, John Smith<delta_foxt...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- On Wed, 26/8/09, Roy Wallace <waldo000...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm not sure that "deducing the meaning of a node tagged
>> with stop
>> from the positions of the ways and nodes in the vicinity"
>> is equally
>> clear. I know you disagree.
> Pre-processor finds a stop sign, looks for the nearest junction node which it 
> would already know is a junction for routing purposes.

Not too bad when you put it like that. Thanks :) If this is written up
as a proposal, I would prefer it worded like that (with reference to a
*requirement to stop* at the *nearest junction node* when *approached
from the way on which the node is placed*), rather than referring to
"stop signs".

I still think it isn't best-practice, for the reasons I've already
described, but I admit it is attractive if you really, really don't
like relations (for some reason...).

I wonder if you preferred a similar solution for turn restrictions
(i.e. add an additional node to implicitly refer to the "nearest
junction"), to avoid relations for those also? If not, why not?

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