On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 12:19 AM, Frederik Ramm<frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> Pieren wrote:
>> I'm just questionning myself if I will continue to contribute to OSM
>> if the admins are not able to react faster to something which looks
>> like the worst form of vandalism.
> Comments like that are not helpful at all. If that's really your attitude
> then find yourself a tightly controlled, non-crowdsourced project.

I say that because I spent a little bit time to look the edits of this
person, working intensively in different countries with a lot of short
edits and after one day of the first alarms about this user.

> What do you expect "the admins" to do? Drop their day job and chase after
> someone where even people on the mailing lists say they are not really sure
> if this is vandalism or not? Come on!
> I don't understand the urgency either. It's not like this guy is deleting
> half of the data. Let him do his thing for a while and then we'll perhaps
> have a clearer picture of what he's up to. He might even have answered an
> e-Mail by then. If people wouldn't get all upset and flap their wings like a
> bunch of hens then we could calmly investigate what is happening - and if we
> find that we want to remove his edits in a week or two, we can still do it.

That's why I say it is the worst form of vandalism. They "look" like
normal edits but it is done very shortly in different countries which
is also questionning about the source of the changes.
And about reverting, you mention yourself that reverting is more
complicated or even impossible if you wait too long.
And yes, I'm expecting fast reactions from the admins until a real
"revert in one click" is possible from the interface like in


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