Jennifer Campbell wrote:
> Tom Hughes wrote:
>> On 01/09/09 16:23, Lester Caine wrote:
>>> Richard Fairhurst wrote:
>>> Which would suggest that the changeset for this needs reversing,
>>> although does
>>> hint at the fact that it has been 'de-truncked' and that only some green
>>> signs remain?
>> I suspect whoever wrote that doesn't understand that de-trunking does 
>> not cause it to stop being a primary route. It may well have (indeed 
>> almost certainly has) been de-trunked but it is probably still a primary 
>> route which means it will have green signs.
>> Tom
> In Scotland, Primary does mean Trunk.

Jenny - even in Scotland the Trunk routes are maintained by a central
contract while Primary routes are now maintained by the local
authorities. Some routes that were ORIGINALLY 'primary' have been
declassified so that the local authorities are not required to maintain
them to the same standard as required for a Primary/Trunk route. OSM
still works to the format when ALL primary routes were maintained by
central government and were identified by their 'green' Trunk route
designation ;)

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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