On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 7:23 PM, Peter Körner<osm-li...@mazdermind.de> wrote:
>> I'd like to do a Brainstorming about how a Revert-Tool could look like,
>> that is more open to the Community, can be used without programming
>> knowledge and is able to to reverts fast.
> I'm thinking of a process like this:
> - Identify the Changeset you'd like to be reverted.
> - Go to <tool> and throw in the Changeset-ID
> - <tool> downloads the Changeset and the current state of all members
> - <tool> shows you a list of all members of the Changeset
>   - highlight conflicting changes (tag- or position-mismatch)
>   - highlight conflicts that could be reverted automatically
>     (e.g. in the malicious changeset highway=secondary was changed
>      to highway=track and on the current node it's highway=secondary
>      again, or the node/way added in the malicious changeset was deleted
>      already)
>   - propose actions on nodes/ways that must be edited by hand (like
>     jsom does when connecting two ways with conflicting tags)
> - when all conflicts are resolved <tool> generates a voting-url
> - post this url to the appropriate mailing-list (global and local) and
>   let the community vote for your revert-proposal
>   - we'll need some kind of authentication here
> - when 100 (20?, 50?, 1000?) people said "yes" to your proposal, the
>   tool applies your revert
>   - if this produces further conflicts the author should be able to
>     correct them (and only them!) without another vote.
> - there should be a history when who reverted what
> - each revert should have an explanation with a minimal length
>   (e.g. 30 words)

Assuming you're looking for a tool to actually do reverts, then I'd
suggest a plugin to an editor -- most meaningful reverts are going to
result in a conflict that has to be edited -- you might have to
rebuild unconnected bits of the map by hand if you're reverting a
delete and someone has added something new in the meantime.

After that a revert is just another normal map edit, there's no need
for voting or other such structures. There's no need for limiting
access or anything else. If we have edit wars we deal with the people

The tools can help by adding changeset tags like
reverted_changeset=12345 as well as the normal comment=xyz and
created_by=xyz. This will serve to easily flag up reverts. Don't try
to force a comment of a certain length -- "reverting vandalism" is
fine -- if you want 30 words i'll just give you "reverting vandalism
blah blah blah blah....".

And I'd recommend not overcomplicating -- if you're intending to write
this, start with the simplest thing that will possibly work, and add
features as you go :-)


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