
> Sorry, I should also have said ... there are two tags because someone
> cared enough about the difference to want to differentiate them. I'm
> surprised whoever that was hasn't spoken up.

That may be me. :)

I do see a clear distinction between a grave yard and cemetery. I care
little how they are actually tagged though.

A grave yard is the land surrounding a church that is used for
burying. The emphasis is that it is the land that belongs to the
church, on which there is a building that is called "a church". People
do not look at the grave yard and think "that's a church", although
they will understand that the land is associated with the church. The
land could also be described as church land that happens to be full of

However cemeteries are purely for the use of burying people, people do
not go to the area to worship. They will go through a grave yard to
get to a church to worship though.

I base this distinction on when you point at a cemetery and ask "What
is that?" a local will respond "It's a cemetery.", ask the same
question in a church graveyard and you get "It's a grave yard."

Hope that doesn't muddy the waters even more. I believe many people
will see the distinction, but I personally do not care now they are
tagged. I am working to a semi-established scheme.

These kind of discussions are worthwhile however little ever seems to
come of them. I raise the very good idea, which I know could put us
off on a tangent, of Tom Chance and Nop of "Working Groups".
Originally from the problems of footways etc, however this one does
seem easier to solve.

If I recall the idea was to have a working group (somehow
democratically elected), that would have submissions for additions and
changes made to them and they would discuss and decide what tags would
be kept etc. This would be done by a "carrot and stick" method, ie the
working group would have the developers of KeepRight, Potlatch, JOSM
and the renderer involved. Such that a Working Group Approved tag
would be default options in these things (or rendered). As such more
people would use them, providing overall consistency and a defacto
reference for those looking for tagging values. However the database
would continue as it is, with anyone using the tags that they feel are

This was a very fuzzy idea and seemed to die down as the discussion
about footways etc died down. I'm sure it will come back and I'm sure
other similar issues would arrive.

I am happy to continue with the status quo, however I can see things
becoming increasingly difficult as the map becomes more complete. At
the moment these things are not worth worrying about as the blank bits
of the map require more attention (ie get it in the database first,
then worry about tagging it).

Again, I am happy to discuss the idea of a Working Group for Tagging
Proposals. Although it should probably go in another thread. I can't
find the old one.

I now feel I've said too much, :)


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