>> yes he is a leader and as such deserves respect. he should lead some
>> useful and intelligent projects and don't loose a word about this
>> childish 1/0/yes/no/true/false discussions.
>> a consumer of the data has to do a bit more work but this is a small
>> fee for free access to an amazing database.
> I find it disappointing you think this discussion childish. As Eugene
> pointed out it's only the tone of the people that post that would make
> it so not the subject matter.

After reading talk for months I have learned all these discussions are  
a waste of time. very few of the people filling the mailbox do any  
work to change it. any thread with more than 20 mails is going nowhere
read the mail from Andy earlier today again and this is the correct  
attitude. He decided to do something about it. If it's good I can't  
tell because I didn't check. But better than just complaining and  
starting the same discussion 3 month later again.... and again ....
read the archives if you don't believe it.

> I'm finding this thread a good learning experience about OSM & it's
> mappers. Not always a positive one, I have to admit, but I can't have
> everything.

It is anarchy and don't expect a structure of a commercial project.  
BUT you get a lot of benefits for free!

> If the consumers had to do less work then OSM would get *more*
> consumers. Which is half the point of the exercise, isn't it?
> To pass on an easily solved problem like this for others to sort out  
> is,
> as I said before IMO - selfish.

again it's free. anyone can change and contribute. If you know a  
solution go ahead and change it. we can all learn from osm, wikipedia  
and other projects. they have different dynamics and if users can't  
accept the freedom they don't need to use it.

> The expression "take responsibility for your own actions" doesn't  
> appear
> to carry much weight around here.

don't think so. the ones doing the hard work in the background rarely  
contribute to these childish discussions because they DO something  
useful instead wasting their time.

> Cheers
> Dave F.
> Cheers
> Dave F.
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