I just assumed street maps was its original purpose that it outgrew as it 
became more popular.

However, there's great value in having "everything with a position on the 
Earth" in the one true geofabric.  Assuming the OSMF is happy to have the 
database be populated with said objects.

I'm sure you can still run up a stylesheet that just shows streets if you want. 

On Fri, 11 Dec 2009 13:30:15 +0000, Dave F. wrote:

>paul youlten wrote:
>> But it is still a street map that we are making - administrative
>> boundaries, top secret government installations, Al Qaeda training
>> camps, water catchment areas and so on are fascinating (and probably
>> great fun to map) but they are not necessarily part of a street map.
>> PY

>I think you have a slightly narrow perspective of OSM.

>Yes, it has street in the title & yes, it says "/such as street maps" 
>/in the tag line, but it doesn't say 'only' street maps.

>Do you think parks, pubs, recycling centres etc shouldn't be mapped?

>If it's a physical entity then it can be mapped.

>Dave F.

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