2010/7/21 Dirk-Lüder Kreie <osm-l...@deelkar.net>

> Well you'll get a say with or without the SA-Clause in the CT, provided
> you stay interested enough to keep actively mapping to be eligible to
> vote on future changes to another "free and open" license.
> I fail to see your problem. There will always be the safeguard of active
> member vote plus the limit of "free and open", which, both combined
> provide a nice safeguard against "evil stuff".

That probably depends on your definition of "evil stuff".  From NearMap's
point of view, in order for us to be able to continue to make our PhotoMaps
available, free of charge, for the use of mappers to derive data for OSM, we
need to:
(a) know for sure what licence applies, and will apply in the future, to
that derived data; the concern is with the ability of OSMF to change that
(b) know for sure that the licence contains a share-alike provision.

I'm not trying to imply in any way that the ability to change the licence is
"evil", or that those who want to be able to do that have anything but the
best motives for doing so.  It's the fact that the licence *can* change that
is an issue.

We want to support OSM, we want to enable mapping, we want to contribute to
more, and better, map data.  We are not seeking to influence or control this
discussion.  We do want clarity on what's going to happen (and in that, I
guess we're no different to anyone else!).

2010/7/21 Dirk-Lüder Kreie <osm-l...@deelkar.net>
Am 19.07.2010 16:26, schrieb Peteris Krisjanis:
>> Ok, Frederik, I understand (but don't accept) your arguments here, but
>> to push discussion in more practical way: what to do with data
>> providers like Nearmap? How to convince them?
>Easy. Keep on mapping and be the bigger fish in a couple years.
I think perhaps it's unclear what NearMap does with respect to OSM.  We're a
user of OSM data, to generate our StreetMaps.  But more importantly, we're *a
provider of data that enables mapping*, so we're enabling the fish to get
bigger :)  You can use our PhotoMaps, in Potlatch (or anything else you can
get to talk to a TMS server) to trace the accurate locations of stuff on the
ground, and you can put that derived data into OSM.


Ben Last
Development Manager (HyperWeb)
NearMap Pty Ltd
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