> I realize that there are others who believe that the lawyers advising OSMF
> are wrong, and that CC-BY-SA could indeed be used further. I have doubts
> about this and would like the proponents of that idea put forward concrete
> plans about how to implement CC-BY-SA in an internationally balanced way (so
> that e.g. users in the US do not have more rights than users in Europe or
> Australia), and also how to handle attribution. These things are currently
> broken with CC-BY-SA and if someone wants to retain that license he should
> demonstrate how they can be fixed.

Frederik, again you mix it all up. I said i'm fine with ODBL (and so
far everyone who rants about CT says nothing bad about ODBL). I truely
respect huge work putted into it. What I don't like is that CT section
3 practically strips all this good work away, with having vague
definition of "new and open license". If this can be clarified with SA
and Attribution clauses, then everything is very very ok.


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