On 22 September 2010 17:30, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> Convincing someone to give you date is a bit like sales. We're not lying to
> people but we're not trying to scare them either. We're not saying things

Actually, it's a lie of omission:


> Of course if it would be my *intent* to let such a discussion fail because

There is a difference between scaring them away and giving them all
the pertinent facts that may become relevant. In this case they may
assume that they will always be given indirect attribution when in
fact this may not be the case in future.

> Most people we've spoken to are happy if we can put out a press release that
> says "XYZ council helps OpenStreetMap" and if we have a Wiki page that
> confirms it. The would get that even with PD.

Based on what you have said, I don't hold much faith in this
statement, they may assume that tiles generated from OSM data would
attribute OSM and in turn link back to their formal attribution by
OSM, others have pointed out other situations where this may also

> Of course YMMV and there will always be hard cases who demand a depth of
> attribution that even (our fashion of) CC-BY-SA cannot give them.

I'm not talking about this situation, as you said, even the current
license doesn't cover this situation.

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