Peter Körner wrote:
Imported data is dead data - there's no one that feels responsible for
it. Imports can kill community and give "newcomers" the feeling that
there's nothing more to be done. Imports *can* help osm but they can
also *hurt* osm, because osm is about people, not data.
Instead of importing data, data should be mixed in at the rendering stage.
Importing data can be acceptable if the original source has ceased to
update the data *and* OSMers have a good chance to improve the data, but
even then there is a risk of damaging the community or preventing one
from forming. Imports run the danger of sacrificing the medium- and
long-term success for short-term gains.
Importing data is, in my eyes, almost never acceptable if the original
source is still maintaining the data (because keeping stuff in sync is
practically impossible and it is better to simply not have that data in
OSM and rely on the original source exclusively), or if imported data
cannot be maintained by mappers (either because there are none, or
because the data is not visible on the ground).
There may be some exceptions where e.g. importing a basic road grid can
kick-start development, or where having the data in OSM to align other
data with it is extremely usable, but these are really exceptions.
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