On 29 September 2010 11:26, Nic Roets <nro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Obviously there are many exceptions to your rule, like the TIGER import.

TIGER isn't a good example of a successful import.

The TIGER import killed a fledgling community in the US, which is now
only slowly recovering. TIGER has masses of data without anyone taking
any ownership. Do we really need inaccurate, incorrectly tagged data
for a dirt track crossing the Rockies?

Nic, local example... Durban South Africa, we imported a dataset, the
few new mappers who were starting up these stopped mapping and haven't
returned post import. The import data is now stagnating. The imported
data also has many errors.

Yes, the ODbL + CT may raise the bar on imports by making sure the
supplied data is on _OUR_ terms. I think this is a good thing.


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