2012/10/18 THEVENON Julien <julien_theve...@yahoo.fr>:
>> There is generally a problem with entering data for which you are not
>> the full rights holder and which is not in the PD. The data you
>> import/merge has strings attached (requires attribution which may not
>> be removed) which might lead to removal of the data in the case the
>> active contributors choose to switch to a more open license (e.g.
>> cc0), so it is very important that this data is easily identificable.
> I was thinking that this issues was addressed by the CT providing all rights
> to the OSMF for data added to OSM.
> Am I wrong ?

I think that you might be wrong. Actually for cadastre data you can't
provide all rights to the OSMF because you don't have all rights. The
relevant article in the contributor terms seems this one (sorry list,
this has to be in French):"2. Droits concédés. Vous concédez à OSMF,
dans les conditions définies aux articles 3 et 4, de manière
irrévocable et perpétuelle, une licence internationale, non exclusive
et non soumise aux droits patrimoniaux d’auteur, aux droits des
auteurs de bases de données ou à tout autre droit, relatif à un
élément du Contenu, quel que soit le support. "

My French is a bit rusty but I think that this is the crucial part: "
non soumise aux droits patrimoniaux d’auteur"

Now compare to this paragraph:

"En revanche, la rediffusion de ces données n'est autorisée que pour
les produits composites, c'est à dire ceux constitués pour partie
seulement du plan cadastral, et sous réserve que soient clairement
indiqués l'origine et le millésime des données cadastrales utilisées"

Neither am I completely sure whether I understood the French paragraph
correctly nor am I an expert in law, but there might indeed be some
incompatibility between the CTs and these obligations.


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