Cartinus <> wrote:

> So again no real argument why when a Frenchmen uploads thousands of
> buildings a day he is doing something really different than someone of a
> different nationality doing the same.

No difference. The difference is not French/Others but more Bulk Import
of raw data and import or reworked data in a single set.

Requirering a separature account for bulk import, why not.
But we need to defined bulk import and it require to change protocol we
used for several years now. 
Why not if it really help DWG to do their job, but our community do not
understand why it wiil help.

To summarize :
In fact french community feels that a new rule coming from nowhere (we
do not see discussions about it) has reach us. Some want to apply the
new rule without any discussion "it was the rule." and told this in
english to non-speaking english...

Some have made test to use seperate account and it's really complicated
even for power user, because the data we import or not raw data, we do
lot of manual work on it before import and its complicated (impossible)
to seperate things in JOSM.
So we can do all the work with a "bot account" but it was irrelevant as
lot of works is done manually (see my other messages in the thread). 
We could do all work with our standard account (what is done from 2009)
and it works fine. There no problem with data and when there are small
problems the community has always correct things fast.

We discuss a lot on the french list and we talk about solutions,
compromise... But the general feeling is that the DWG solution will not
solve problems (we don't see any data problem with the work we do from
2009), but on contrary will made the quality less.
Some talks about open a bo account and import the whole cadastre in one
time... with out any local review (town-b-town) as we do today... The
will eet the DWG rule but will generate lot of quality issue (rw data no
local review).

The general mood is that DWG import rule is bad solution for the kind of
import we done. 
Remember the even if data are big, local import is only one town at a
time (of course one twon can have lot of buildings) and there is 36 000
towns in france. Remember that lot of manual work is done before and
after importing...

So is this really a big bulk import ? 
We do not import a Tiger Database, just town-by-town buildings.

Sorry for my poor english, i hope i explain thing much clearer...

Pierre-Alain Dorange
OSM experiences : <>

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