On 10/18/2012 11:13 PM, Cartinus wrote:
> On 10/18/2012 09:44 PM, Christian Rogel wrote:
>> By the way, could you stand receiving any message in a language you
>> cannot understand. that seems to be looking for
>> infuriating the non-English speaking users?
> On 10/18/2012 10:30 PM, Eric Marsden wrote:
>>   - the way in which DWG is undertaking its monitoring+blocking, by
>>     sending aggressive messages to contributors in a language which they
>>     can be presumed not to understand
> <sarcasm on>
> So a requirement for the membership of the DWG should be that you are a
> polyglot. Of course all messages about issues in country X should be
> send in the official language and those of all known minority languages
> of the country.
> <sarcasm off>
> I think it is more reasonable to assume that any contributor to a
> multinational open project like openstreetmap knows how to use
> <http://translate.google.com> or any other such service.
> The continued use of the argument "the message was not in French" is
> just silly. You don't have to like that the lingua franca of the
> internet age is English, but if you want to be heard in projects like
> OSM, you better accept it.
I was looking for examples of cultural imperialism - here is a very nice
one, thanks !

Of course, international collaboration requires a common ground and the
Internet has made English an obvious choice in such projects. But that
does not mean that everyone is fluent - only an elite can reach that
linguistic level whereas Openstreetmap need the masses. That is yet
another reason for subsidiarity : local communities police themselves
better using their own cultural framework and there is a role for
ambassadors who will keep the local communities coherent within the
whole. So you don't need to be a polyglot : French contributors have
offered to take that representative role and keep the communication
channels open in tongues that each side understands and accepts.

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